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24th Annual Directional Drilling Survey

While never a simple market, the past two years have seen the complexity of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) reach new levels, due to both anticipated and unexpected problems.

For contractors, navigating the world of HDD, 2022 offers a mix of rewards, frustrations and lost opportunities. Yet, most contractors believe they will be able to successfully ride the waves in this ocean of contrasting turbulence and bounty.

The 24th Annual Underground Construction HDD Survey brought not only answers to key questions, but a strong expression of emotions, concerns and excitement about the state of the HDD industry. The research reflects the incredible versatility of HDD, which never ceases to amaze.

The exclusive Underground Con­struction industry survey was conducted during March and April. It polled contractors and utilities that actively own and operate HDD units to enable a statistical portrayal of a technology that has forever changed the face of utility and pipeline construction.


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HDD 2022: A Market of Feast and Famine | Underground Construction (undergroundinfrastructure.com)

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